The Green Building
The Green Building also known as sustainable building refers to both the structure and the procedure that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient throughout a building's life-cycle.
The similar concept is Natural Building which means the material comes from the neighbouring area. Modern green building does not simply mean the building, but includes materials and construction methods. The definition of green building expands from the past 'Earth consumes minimal resources, manufacturing minimal waste building' to 'Ecological, energy-saving, waste reduction and healthy buildings'. It is clear from the definition, we can find nine indicators:
- Increased biological biodiversity indicators
- The amount of green building index
- The water-base indicators
- The daily energy-saving targets
- Carbon dioxide reduction index
- The use of automated waste reduction indicators
- Indoor health indicators
- Water indicators
- Sewage and waste reduction indicators
If all our designers and planners would use green building concept to construct, I believe that our earth will be more clean and beautiful.
Picture from the following website: